Android login screen using jetpack compose [Part-2]

2 min readApr 8, 2022

In this part we will add some more screens and will create some common components as well to reuse them across the app.

Configuration used while creating this post — ,

  • Compose version : 1.1.0-alpha06
  • Kotlin version: 1.5.31
  • Android studio : Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 3

Step 1 : Let’s create common TopAppBar component first. create new package named component\ inside this package create new file and named it as component\CustomTopAppBar.kt Paste below code snippet in this file

Step 2: Create new file screen\SignUp.kt and add below code in it

Step 3: Create new file screen\ForgotPassword.kt and add below code in it




Written by MaKB

Experienced software engineer with demonstrated history of working in telecommunications industry along with many other sectors like education, e-commerce etc.

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